Plane flying through the sky during sunset

Pilot Demand Outlook

Airbus and Boeing Indicate Strong Future for Pilot and Aircraft Demand

Good News For Prospective Pilots

pilots walking from hangar

Being the two largest manufacturers of commercial airliners, it is no surprise that Boeing and Airbus both devote serious resources to researching and forecasting the future performance of their markets.

Their latest reports span through 2041 and indicate that the demand for new commercial aircraft is rising and will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. Fantastic news, but not only for Airbus and Boeing. The need for pilots to fly those aircraft is set to increase sharply in the coming years, some markets are already seeing demand rise.

These reports from Airbus and Boeing are available online to view or download and are a great source of information for students, aviation enthusiasts, and anyone else with an interest in transportation. These reports can be found at the links provided below.

Airbus Global Market Forecast

Boeing Pilot and Technician Outlook